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Page mise à jour le 10/09/2011 16:08

A Wiki Administrator is a person (or persons) who installs, configures, and administers a PmWiki system for authors and site visitors. PmWiki has been designed to make the installation and initial setup tasks as easy as possible for people who do not have a lot of knowledge about HTML, PHP, or even web server software. At the same time, PmWiki is designed to be flexible enough so that someone with just a little bit of knowledge about HTML and PHP can customize PmWiki to their specific needs.

See the PmWiki.documentation index for pages about administering PmWiki, administration tasks, security, and PmWiki.audiences for more details of PmWiki's target audiences.

This page may have a more recent version on PmWiki:WikiAdministrator, and a talk page: PmWiki:WikiAdministrator-Talk.

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Page mise à jour le 10/09/2011 16:08